Ranking the Top 10 NES Games (Comicon Panel)

Simeon and Scott were graciously invited to rep Two Button Crew, and all Nintendo fans, at Lilac City Comicon 2018. It’s been a lifelong dream to run a convention panel, and if we say so ourselves… it went over flawlessly.
…Except for maybe the list itself! That was whack! With audience participation, we formed the “definitive” top 10 NES games of all time. Watch the chaos unfold and tell us if you agree in the comments.
“Exit the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Scott Ranks his 35 Game Switch Collection Scott's Thoughts

1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2. Rocket League
3. Thumper
4. A Robot Named Fight
5. Celeste
6. SteamWorld Dig 2
7. Super Mario Odyssey
8. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
9. Bombslinger
10. Splatoon 2
11. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
12. Super Meat Boy
13. Flinthook
14. Snipperclips Plus
15. Cave Story +
16. Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
17. Mega Man Legacy Collection
18. SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition
19. Runner3
20. Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
21. Rayman Legends – Definitive Edition
22. Graceful Explosion Machine
23. SteamWorld Dig
24. Mutant Mudds Collection
25. Xeodrifter
26. TumbleSeed
27. Pokken Tournament DX
28. Sonic Mania
29. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
30. Picross S
31. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
32. 1-2-Switch
33. Alteric
34. Energy Invasion
35. Energy Balance

Honorable Mentions (have not yet played)
• Axiom Verge
• Cat Quest
• Skyrim
• Stardew Valley

Wii Facts You Didn’t Know!

November 19th, 2006. The day that Nintendo disrupted the gaming industry in a massive way. It’s safe to say that almost everyone watching this video owned a Wii at some point, but there were some hidden features and facts about this console that you never knew. UNTIL THIS VERY YOUTUBE VIDEO. Get ready to be mind-blown!

“Exit the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Nintendo’s 10 Worst Games Ever Made

You can’t win ’em all. Even the esteemed House of Mario produces some games that end up at the bottom of the barrel. We’re using Metacritic to take a look at Nintendo’s bottom 10 of all time!

“Exit the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Top 10 Daily Show Episodes (#351-600)

Before the Live Show, Simeon and Scott hosted Your Daily Nintendose of Fandom on their YouTube channel by uploading a Nintendo related video every day. It was a blast, and it’s time to look back on the final 250 episodes and celebrate the Top 10 videos from that period. Join us as we laugh, cry, and remember the Daily Show!

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Why Smash Bros. Is Awesome

Two months ago I wrote about why Smash Bros. is stupid. While I stand by what I said, I think it is time to balance out the conversation. There are so many problems with the Smash Bros. series, but there are so many things to love as well. These are just a few reasons to love these games.

  • The Characters. While there are a few characters on everyone’s wishlist that have not made it to a game yet (I’m looking at you, real Geno), Nintendo has done a pretty awesome job bringing out the best fighters from their own games as well as characters from other companies. When they confirmed Sonic in Brawl, I completely lost my mind. The same thing happened again when they showed Mega Man in Smash 4. They even polled the players to ask what characters they wanted to see as DLC, and they listened! Even if you were not familiar with a character when they introduced them (like the Fire Emblem characters), it would be nearly impossible to think of playing these games without them.
  • The uniqueness of each game. Many people complain about Melee being too fast-paced, or Brawl being too janky, but, honestly, I do not think the series would be complete without every single (official) iteration. The original demonstrated that fighting games did not have to be put in a box. Melee showed just how serious a Nintendo fighter could be. Brawl showed how a fighting game’s story mode could be fun and interesting, and gave us the ability to customize it to no end. The 3DS version allowed us to take it on the go (also, one of the top players in our region used his 3DS as a controller on the Wii U version because he was more comfortable with it at the time). The Wii U offering gave us everything we want in a modern fighting game, including online play, balancing patches, and worthwhile DLC.
  • Custom combos. Any fighting game worth its salt has some sort of combo system; one attack leads into another to create a devastating string of hits. Smash Bros is like that, but there isn’t a set system. Any combo has to be “discovered”, and not only that, but almost all of them are situational and can be performed at certain damage percentages. This means that you have to be creative as time progresses; you cannot just use the same combo over and over without any chance of dropping it. Smash Bros. is exciting, dynamic, and will never be formulaic because of this custom combo system.
  • Killing people with Luigi’s down taunt. Hahahaha… Hahaha… HAHAHA! That is great.
  • Low tier heroes. Now, I know that this is nothing new to the fighting game scene, but there is always something exciting about seeing a player do well who plays a character you do not see played often, or a character often considered “bad”. Watching someone tear through the bracket with Ganondorf or seeing Nairo switch to Bowser for certain matchups gets everyone hype! One of my all time favorite memories was a thrown-together tournament in the Brawl days at my college. I made it to grand finals with Ike, and I was up against one of the top players in the region, playing Peach. I ended up winning the match, using my low-tier character. Years later, Scott had the chance to talk with him, and he still recalled the event, mentioning I had a great Ike. That victory meant so much to me, not just for who my opponent was, but for the obstacle I overcame as someone who played a “bad” character.
  • Jank. Yes, I know this was on my list of things that made Smash Bros. stupid, but who does not love to see a nice jank compilation? Things happen in Smash Bros. that would never happen in other fighting games, simply because of the variables involved. A hitbox that extends far past what it should? OK. Characters that randomly start glowing? Sure! Samus’s Up-B killing at 15% or less? Why not?! Part of the fun of Smash Bros. is wondering what unpredictable thing you’re going to see next…. and then raging about it.
  • The Subspace Emissary. I already mentioned this, but, did you know that Brawl had a story mode? It was even pretty good! In fact, probably the most common complaint I hear about Smash 4’s transition from Brawl is that it did not carry over a story mode. It felt like they put time and effort into the stages and the bosses, and might have made a complete game by itself (maybe at a discounted price). I have not played it in a long time, but I can still remember specific parts of the story and how epic the scale of it was.
  • D1. Who does not like D1? No one, that’s who. (He’s the guy that we get the DEEEESSSSSTTTRRRRRRUCTION meme from. If you’ve never heard of it, well, I can’t help you!)
  • A million ways to play. When I play Smash Bros. I typically play it one of two ways: tournament rules singles and tournament rules doubles. I enjoy that. But even if I did not, I would never run out of ways to play Smash Bros.! Break the targets, arcade mode, all items on, custom stages, events, eight players, amiibo, weird token-pushy-offy game, story, board the platforms, Crazy Orders (or whatever it is called), coins, All-Star, multi-man, handicaps, three-on-one, metal+stamina… the list goes on! You could play the different Smash modes forever and never see it all. There are things to collect, secrets to unlock, and styles to invent. Whatever way you play games, the Smash Bros. series has something to offer you.

There are so many things to love about the Smash Bros. series that I could never list them in a readable blog. Share in the comments below what you love about Smash Bros.

Best Nintendo Boss Fights

This episode is TOTALLY different from our Best Villains episode – trust us!

#580 – Baddies – can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em. Today, we’re talking about the chiefs of all baddies, the Bosses. But we’ve already featured our favorite villains in a previous episode of TBC, so today we are focusing on the best battles themselves – the conflicts that were memorable for their setting, challenge, build-up, or conclusion. Enjoy!

Footage credit: PunkDemonNeo, Boss Fight Database, Hazey A, AquaChannelerChris

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Best Nintendo Bumper Stickers

Be sure to decrease the sale value of your car with these awesome bumper stickers!

#575 – Gamers – that’s what we identify as. But it’s not enough just for our close friends and family to know that side of us… no, we need to broadcast it to the world with stickers for our bumpers. Simeon and Scott have selected the best Nintendo related bumper stickers and are going to share them with you!

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Metroid Prime 4 Must-Haves!

Why not Retro? WHY NOT THE BEST DEV?!

#552 – They can’t afford to mess this one up. If Metroid Prime 4 bombs badly, then that could mark the end of the Metroid franchise. This is the sequel that fans have been begging Nintendo to make for a decade. With Retro not at the helm of this new entry, the game’s future is questionable!

Footage credit: Boss Fight Database | MrNintendoSense | thepixelpress

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Top 6 Things we Want in Super Mario Odyssey

Cappy Cappy Cappy Cappy Cappy and Cappy. Done.

#551 – The next big 3D Mario game is about to hit stores and Switches in a few short months. QUICK! Two Button Crew needs to get in their wish lists to the developers at Nintendo so that they can design the game to our exact specifications. Agree with our wish list? Let us know below!

Footage credit: Outside Xtra

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Ranking The Worst Games of All Time

You can count on us to make the best worst videos!

#504 – You know us: Two Button Crew, a couple of smiley, upbeat Nintendo fans. But every once in a while, we have to take a trip to the dark side and examine the negatives of Nintendo fandom. Today, in honor of Simeon’s Birthday(?), he and Scott are engaging in quite the challenge: to identify the worst games on each of a handful of Nintendo consoles.

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Switch – Top 5 Pros & Cons

And the top con is… JOY!

With a handful of weeks under our belt, we’re growing accustomed to playing the new Nintendo Switch! Nintendo made some bold promises with their first console/portable hybrid machine, but they’ve also managed to deliver in many ways! There are some concerns shared among players, and these are things that hopefully Nintendo can continue to address. For anyone deciding whether or not to purchase Switch, this is a great video for you to watch in order to get a feel on what’s positive about the system and what’s on the negative side of the experience. For those that already own the new system, see if you agree with our takeaways!

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Best Nintendo Sidekicks of All Time

TBC needs an offical… sidekick… YouTube channel! Now accepting applications.

Every superhero has a sidekick, and Nintendo’s stable of heroes are no different! But the characters that we find in Mario’s and Link’s shadows are not to be overlooked, because sometimes those characters are the ones that leave the biggest impression. That’s right – today’s all about the hero-helpers that made our gaming experiences amazing! Footage Credit: PMtTYD Yoshi – Tom Fawkes | TLoZ TP HD Midna – YOGSCAST Martyn | Paper Mario Goombario – RedFalconGames | Super Smash Bros. Wii U Falco – shofu | Super Mario RPG Geno – Zoundj

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Hilarious Wii Slang

Wii would like to slang.

You thought Wii-related jokes had run their course? Not even close. A decade later, Simeon and Scott are revisiting the issue with an enhanced vocabulary of Wii puns and slang that you’ve never even imagined. The Nintendo Wii seemed like it was getting a big downgrade when it received its official name. The codename, Revolution, seemed much more fitting. But if Wii is responsible for allowing us these kinds of puns, we daresay that it was all worth it.

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Dank Nintendo Memes

Sorry Karen – we still love you, but you already got your own entire video.

Memes, memes, a magical fruit. They make the Internet go round! Well, we’ve gathered the best of the best when it comes to the world of Nintendo. We’ve identified the funniest, the truest, and the in some cases the ugliest Nintendo memes to make you laugh. Don’t scour Google Images, don’t search Reddit – everything you need is right here. We’ve done the “work” for you. Sit back and relax some good old internet culture humor!

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Hilarious Nintendo Knock-Offs

This is probably the most PG-13 we will ever get. Unless you count Simeon repeatedly using the word “fob” for which you’ll want to check out “NES Mario Games on a DDR Dance Pad”!

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery… so, Nintendo should be feeling quite flattered at this point! Or at the very least, it’s clear that the Wii had a lot of admirers. Simeon and Scott have compiled pictures of all the worst offenders; companies that took Nintendo’s ideas and completely ripped them off. Yes, patents were stepped over in the effort to make a quick buck off of Nintendo’s recognizable properties. The business behind these decisions might be despicable, but the results sure are hilarious!

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Best Karen Memes (from the Switch Trailer)

We made this because we know how many of you have been Karen about this girl.

Karen is the unexpected Internet sensation born of the Nintendo Switch trailer! She took off in popularity on Reddit and has since expanded her influence across all of social media. We’ve picked the most hilarious Karen memes from around the web to share with you!

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Worst Stories Ever In Gaming

We’re going to have to play Star Successor for you guys. We’ll endure the pain to bring you some entertainment.

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, this episode goes out to you. And a handful of others, but seriously. You’re just an embarressment.

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Top 10 TBC Episodes (#350!)

A sincere and genuine THANK YOU to our friends in the Crew!

Wow – just wow. Can you believe we have done this 350 times as of today? We’re going to take the time to relive and enjoy the best content that TBC has put out to date. Relax and enjoy some great times!

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Most Memorable Non-Playable Characters

Scott really needs to finish Metroid Fusion.

They may not be the main protagonist or your sworn enemy, but our games wouldn’t be the same without them. It’s TBC’s most memorable NPCs!

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Reformat” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0