Franchise / Revise / Demise

“The game is Wii Mu-” “DIE! DIE! LET IT DIE!”

#538 – In today’s unique episode, we’re pretending that we hold the power to decide a video game’s fate. Should it be franchised, and have multiple sequels moving forward? Should it be remasteres once and left at that? Or should it simply be left to die? We have to assign one fate to each group of three games… what would you choose? Let us know in the comments.
“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Miyamoto’s High and Low Points

For every time he raised the Master Sword skyward, he is also waved an imaginary flute around by the end of a Wii Remote…

Shigeru Miyamoto is a wonderful man to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude. However, in his many years as part of the game industry, he has had plenty of time to make a few missteps. And they were MAJOR. Miyamoto is someone who should be celebrated but not worshiped as perfect. Oh no – this is one developer who has seen the gamut of success and failure! Join Simeon and Scott as they explore the Japanese developer and creator of Mario’s history, highlighting the lows and the highs.

Shot by Alex Campbell

“Escape the Premises” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0