Switch 2.0 Inbound Scott's Thoughts

I’ve seen the pattern.
Nintendo releases a new console, which is disruptive and revolutionary in the gaming industry (innovate).

Next, they follow it up with a system that refines and advances their previous console (iterate).
Then the cycle repeats.

  • NES: brought arcade-level gaming to the home | SNES: improved graphics, added buttons
  • N64: introduced 3D gaming, rumble, 4-player | Gamecube: improved graphics, added a c-stick
  • Wii: debuted motion control, wireless gaming | Wii U: improved graphics, had some good games

Switch followed in the footsteps of NES, N64, and Wii, changing the way we think about and interact with games.

It’s also experiencing an outstanding amount of success, with a warm reception from core gaming enthusiasts.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Nintendo will continue the trend and stay on the trail that Switch is blazing. Their next console will be a Switch 2.0.

It will be more powerful, will have a few of those features that we wanted but did not get, and will be an easy upgrade. VR is a no-brainer, but time will tell if that’s the main focus.

Mark my words!

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Scott is an author and a lifelong fan of video games. Conqueror of punishing platformers such as Celeste, Super Meat Boy, N+, The Impossible Game, and Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels. You can find him constantly changing his main character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, stuck inside a VR headset, or helplessly addicted to Fortnite.