Don’t Forget the Fun Factor Scott’s Thoughts

I often see newly released games being appraised for their graphics, controls, music, and price.

What the industry needs more of a focus on is simple: fun.

A game can have terrible graphics, no soundtrack, and clunky controls, but still be a lot of fun.
Conversely, a beautiful and imaginative game can be boring and punishing.

Video games are a form of art, but that doesn’t mean they need to be treated with as much weight and gravitas as other mediums.
Some critics don’t understand this and neglect to consider the fun factor, so take review scores with a grain of salt. A 7/10 game might be the most fun you and a friend have ever had.

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Scott is an author and a lifelong fan of video games. Conqueror of punishing platformers such as Celeste, Super Meat Boy, N+, The Impossible Game, and Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels. You can find him constantly changing his main character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, stuck inside a VR headset, or helplessly addicted to Fortnite.

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